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NTHJC Board Members


Please be aware that any email or letter sent to the President or a board member will be shared with the entire board at their next meeting to discuss any needed actions on your issue!  You may contact the Board Members via e-mail submission on the Contact page.


Board of Directors:

President: Julie Tullos

Vice President: Rachel Holt

Treasurer: Jordan Mallard

Recording Secretary: Stephanie Savoy
Corresponding Secretary: Michelle Campbell-Greene


Board Members: 

Tracey Badley

Lexie Boley

Angela Bollinger

Kim Brunson

Kathy Davidson

Sydney Dematteo

Katie Hodson

Laura Lewis

Emily Maahs

Megan Maienfisch

Kelsey Marcus

Alyssa Mathis

Kathryn Roan

Ariel Tokar

Charlotte Vowan-Wiles


Membership/Points Secretary: 

Amy Frenzel 


Show Committee: 

Angela Bollinger - Chair

Amy Frenzel

Stephanie Savoy

Rachel Holt

Lexie Boley


Banquet Committee: 

Rachel Holt - Chair

Amy Frenzel

Charlotte Vowan-Wiles

Michelle Campbell-Greene

Tracey Badley

Lexie Boley

Kathy Davidson


Scholarship Committee: 

Stephanie Savoy - Chair


Sponsorship Committee:

Lexie Boley - Chair

Tracey Badley

Michelle Campbell-Greene


Benefit Donation Committee:

Charlotte Vowan-Wiles - Chair

Kathy Davidson

Megan Maienfisch


Continuing Education Committee:

Alyssa Mathis - Chair

Kathy Davidson


Membership Incentives Committee: 

Kathryn Roan - Chair

Amy Frenzel


Any NTHJC member can serve on one of our committees. If you are interested, please send an email to Michelle Campbell-Greene at to get more information on how to get involved with NTHJC.

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