NTHJC Continuing Education Program
The continuing education committee is a newly created 2022 committee, chaired by past board member, Erika Walker, with Holly Rust, Katie Fisher, Kim Brunson and Stephanie Savoy serving as committee members. This committee was created as a way for NTHJC to give back to it's adult competing members in a similar way to the scholarships currently available to junior riders. The NTHJC board has been in discussion about an adult scholarship program for several years but, like many things, it was sidelined during 2020. Finally coming to fruition for the first time this year the committee has established a purpose, an application and a selection rubric to objectively select applicants. The goal for the 2022 year is to award 1-5 competing adult, amateur or professional, NTHJC members up to $1,000 scholarships to use towards continuing their equine education. Equine education is anything related to bettering your riding or horsemanship education including but not limited to industry related trainings like course-design, judging and clinics or industry related higher education such as ag or vet tech classes.
All applications are due by October 1st, 2022. Eligible applicants are 2022 adult NTHJC members who have competed in at least 1 NTHJC show in the 2022 show season, up to 5 scholarships will be awarded. If awarded a scholarship, winner must submit receipts to NTHJC for the event attended and up to $1,000 will be reimbursed. Winners will be selected by December 1st, 2022 and announced at the NTHJC Year End Banquet.
Applicants with volunteer hours are given preference. If you'd like to find out ways to volunteer at shows contact show committee members or show management, help is always needed with hospitality services, ribbons, jump crew, etc. during shows. Please submit completed applications to el.matheney@yahoo.com.